These students in Siliguri are examples of the jubilation experienced by the RHEMA graduates in India, Nepal, W. Africa and Nicaragua. New locations include Belarus and China.
Think about it! these students have all come great distances for this training, some traveling 3-4 days on a crowded train. They have come from Hindu, Buddhist, Islamist, Catholic and some Christian backgrounds. They have two things; a conversion to Jesus Christ and a call to serve Him. They have been attending class for intensive training for nine weeks and now are getting ready for graduation.
Now they are returning to difficult places of service, knowing they will face adversity, rejection, persecution and possibly martyrdom. Still they are excited and filled with joy. Their spirit of jubilation should motivate all of us to faithfulness and joyful ministry.
R.H.E.M.A. International
3731 Shipwatch Lane
Knoxville, TN 37920
0- 865 333-5090 C- 865 599 8797